Screech Owl

Screech Owl

Screech owl (Megascops):

Owls are some of the most unique animals in the world with many fascinating characteristics that separate them from any other animal on the planet. Screech owls, however, are very special owls that are quite often easily distinguishable from other types of owls. They have a very unique look and an even more unique sound. While Screech owls grow to be only seven to ten inches tall, the noise they emit can be extremely loud. It is an eerie wail that echoes very loudly through the trees of the forest in which the Screech owl is living. This wail can send chills down the spine of anyone unaware of the source.

Like other owls, the Screech owl is nocturnal, doing its hunting entirely between dusk and dawn. Most of this hunting is done within the first four or five hours after the sun sets and almost always occurs in the woods. Occasionally, these owls will hunt for prey in open fields or other places where they feel they may find a meal. For such small animals, they are very aggressive hunters, often capturing chipmunks, rats, squirrels and small birds as well as many different types of insects. Smaller prey can be swallowed in one piece while larger prey is shredded with their talons. They are most often heard after dusk with a descending whistle tremolo.

Katrina BergmanScreech Owl