

Dewberry (Rubus caesius):


Known as the European dewberry, these plants are part of the rose family, and are related to the blackberry. You can find these plants throughout Great Britain, Ireland and in the eastern United States. Dewberries do not grow tall like the blackberry bush but prefer to hang its stems along the ground, which are a bit prickly. The flowers are white, and normally have 5 petals. The dewberry fruit begins as a green bud will ripen between the months of June and September, revealing a berry deep purple in color. The berries are sweet and quite edible; they also contain very few seeds as compared to a blackberry, which make them preferable for things such as seedless jams. When ripe they are very hard to remove from the stem without squishing the berry, so if you are willing to get a little messy they are a great food source, and make delicious cobblers and other desserts.

Katrina BergmanDewberry