
Our Patients: Red-tailed hawk

by Dr. Greg Mertz on March 16, 2012 No comments


This red-tailed hawk was brought in several weeks ago from Burlington, Mass.  Initial x-rays showed that he had a very swollen leg with several small scrapes the skin (presumably from rodent prey biting at his feet during capture).  He finished his course of antibiotics for a leg infection, and today we repeated x-rays to monitor the swelling.  The swelling has gone down, but we can now see evidence of a healing  fracture in the bone it that region.  It must have been a hairline fracture, too tiny to detect the first time around.  But the healing bone is much thicker and denser making it easier to spot.   The hawk still has a good prognosis, but now we know that he’ll need a little extra time to rest before we increase his activity level.  Can you spot the injury on the X-ray?


Dr. Greg MertzOur Patients: Red-tailed hawk