Open Mic - Catbird Cafe



Every Saturday evening New England Wildlife Center sponsors the Catbird Café, the South Shore’s longest running open mic, playing original music. The Catbird Café is hosted by Stephen Martin and his wife Kathe Donlan.  Steve is a well-known musician throughout the region and brings a thematic consistency between the care of wildlife and music.  Participants in the Catbird Café range in age from young elementary school students to octogenarians, from singing families to poets and belly dancers.  Sign up to perform starts at 4:30 and performing starts at 5:00 PM.  All Open Mike performers may do 2 songs, max 10 minutes. All styles of acoustic music and poetry and dance are welcome.

A $2 donation is requested to help pay for the cost of the program.

We occasionally hold special events on Fridays and request a $5 donation for entry.

For more information and to see a list of upcoming performers visit Catbird Cafe’s facebook page here.

Interested in knowing this weeks performer? Check out Catbird Cafe’s 2016 Feature Schedule below!


kidwithguitar     groupsinging

Jack BanagisOpen Mic – CatBird Cafe