These are Spotted Salamanders, found swimming in a pool in Braintree. They are native to the area, and normally are quite capable of preparing themselves for winter. But since they were found last year unprepared and well into the Winter season, they were admitted to our hospital. The salamanders were given an examination by our veterinary team who found them to be very healthy. Since they cannot be released during the winter months, they have been in our care ever since. Initially, we made sure to evaporate all the chlorine from the pool off of their bodies, which took about 24 hours. We then set them up in an enclosure filled with sphagnum moss, water and other natural items to remind them of home. Sphagnum moss absorbs a good amount of moisture and creates the perfect conditions for Spotted salamanders. Since their admission 6 months ago, they’ve been enjoying meal worms on a daily basis. Yum! Now that Spring is right around the corner, we plan to release them back to where they were found. Spotted salamanders have an environmental affinity for the area they were born. They choose to reproduce in these areas, which is why it is so important to release them back to where they were found. We expect them to do very well.