This is an Eastern Screech Owl who was just recently released from New England Wildlife Center. He was initially admitted to our hospital after being found injured by Massachusetts’s state police in Hyde Park. He was transferred into the Environmental Police’s custody and then brought into the Wildlife Center for treatment. He arrived at our Hospital with a generalized weakness, laying on his side unable to stand up. He had a few cuts on his body, but had luckily not broken any bones. After our veterinary team performed initial diagnostics it was concluded he was suffering from head trauma. His blood work showed elevated protein levels, common for this type of injury. Veterinary staff did not find any signs of rodenticide or lead toxicosis.
The Screech Owl was stabilized and given nutritional support as well as oxygen therapy for his first 3 days in our hospital. Oxygen therapy takes place in a box known as a hyperbaric chamber, where high levels of oxygen are pumped inside. This not only makes it easier for him to breathe, but also helps to oxygenate his tissue which jump starts the Screech Owls natural healing process. The hyperbaric chamber has antibiotic properties and is a useful supplement to traditional antibiotics. During his time in the chamber he was checked out by an ophthalmologist who ruled out any eye problems. About a week after he was admitted to the hospital he was already doing much better. After about two weeks he was eating on his own once again and was placed outside in one of our avian pens. He was given physical exercise and readied for release. Finally, he was able to be released once again, and is now a happy and free Screech Owl flying through the trees.