
Raccoon Release

by intern on September 30, 2014 Comments Off on Raccoon Release

This weekend was very exciting for us, as we got to send all of our orphaned raccoons back into the wild with rabies vaccinations and our best wishes. Here we have some pictures documenting the endeavor.

Raccoon 1 Liberation Day Useable

Here the raccoons are investigating the source of all the noise, as our team of veterinarians, veterinary technicians, and interns got ready to go in. It’s liberation day!

Raccoon 2 Let Me Out Useable

This little guy was particularly interested, he looks like he’s saying “it’s time for me to go!”

Raccoon 3 Raccoon Nation Roundup Useable

Here’s the start of Raccoon Nation roundup. Our team started out heading in to grab the raccoons one at a time.

Raccoon 4 Vaccination Useable

Once we had one, they got their rabies vaccine to make sure that they wouldn’t be at risk themselves or pose a danger to the public after their release. After they were given the shot, they were immediately put into large carrying cases so that they could be transported out to a more remote forested region. There they were released together, and we wish them all the best!

internRaccoon Release