
Dove Rescued from Oil Vat

by Katrina Bergman on May 7, 2012 No comments

Mouring Dove Escapes Vat

Vats of restaurant cooking oil can spell trouble for wildlife.  A beautiful mourning dove was rescued after falling into a vat of cooking oil outside of a restaurant on  Newbury Street in Boston. Our friends at the Animal Rescue League of Boston rescued the dove and brought her to the New England Wildlife Center where she was washed multiple times with full strength “Dawn” dish washing detergent. Cage rest and nutritional support were provided.  After about a week’s worth of washing sessions most of the oil was off her wings. She did very well and was just released back to the wild.  Pictured is a fledgling dove now in our hospital.  The beautiful photo was taken and donated to the Center by Eastman Photo at


Katrina BergmanDove Rescued from Oil Vat